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After his voyage, steamboats became a popular way to carry goods from farms to cities.

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Q: How did Robert Fulton's steamboat change travel in the US?
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Who revolutionized steamboat travel?

Robert Fulton revolutionized steamboat travel

What was an effect of robert fultons development of steamboat travel?

River transport before the steamboat was extremely slow. Often times on canals of in rivers, barges of goods were pulled by oxen on land. The steamboat increased water transportation immensely. Cargo and people could navigate waterways and sea coasts, where as in the past this was tedious compared to steamboat power.

What is the name of the man who revolutionized steamboat travel?

Robert Fulton

How did the steamboat change the peoples lives at the time?

It help travel

How did Robert Fulton's steamboat affect the world?

the worldwide travel was changed forever on water the steamboat imacted the futer disign for the newer steamboats

Who is Robert Fulton?

Robert Fulton invented the steamboat, allowing for trade to be much simpler since boats were not only able to travel down stream, but they were now able to travel up stream.

Purpose of steamboat?

The purpose for the steamboat was to enable travel of goods up stream rivers even through currents. It also increased the speed goods traveled at. Overall, it made it easier for goods to travel in rivers.

What was an effect of Robert Fulton's development of steamboat travel?

River transport before the steamboat was extremely slow. Often times on canals of in rivers, barges of goods were pulled by oxen on land. The steamboat increased water transportation immensely. Cargo and people could navigate waterways and sea coasts, where as in the past this was tedious compared to steamboat power.

How fast could a steamboat travel?


What limited the travel of steamboat on the red river?


Riverboat with a stream powers engine that could travel up or downstream?

A steamboat is a riverboat with a steam powered engine that could travel up or down stream.

With the invention of the rivers were no longer just for travel downstream?
