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Q: How did US respond to the solviets exploding an atomic bomb?
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Did you warn hiroshima before atomic bomb?

They had a warning but did not respond until was too late.

How did the US respond to the fear of soviet military action in the middle east?

they called in the atomic bomb.

What is a cherri Bomb?

exploding fireworks

What is the atomic bomb design?

The atomic bomb is sphere shaped and weird. An atomic explosion is made by taking two halves of a critical mass of fissile material (plutonium or U235) and pushing them together very rapidly. Atomic bombs use conventional explosives to move the fissile material fast enough. If it does not move fast enough it just overheats and melts, rather than exploding. That's the key to designing an atomic bomb. Good luck!

Is Pakistani bomb is an Islamic bomb?

If you consider the US atomic bomb is a Christian bomb, the French atomic bomb is also Christian bomb and so on, then you can name the Pakistani atomic bomb an Islamic bomb.

How was an atomic bomb repaired?

how was the atomic bomb repaired

When did the atomic bombs get dropped?

The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on 6th of August 1945 and the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on 9th August 1945. it was 8:16am when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Also the bomb was dropped by a B29 bomber (type of plane) that was named Enola Gay, after the pilot's mother. And the compartment where the bomb was stored was below -50 degrees to stop it from over heating and exploding, the pilot had to prepare the bomb before dropping it as well, (so it was active/live) this was the most dangerous part of the operation because if he did one little thing wrong it could have blown up right there.

How do gamma rays come out of an einsteinium bomb when exploding?

An einsteinium bomb don't exist.

Metaphor for angry?

he is exploding

What is a good onomatopoeia for an exploding bomb?


How big was the nuclear bomb?

The atomic bomb, formed my nuclear fission? that was dropped by Americans on japan? well first, there was 2 of them and to answer your question HUGE Atomic bombs are measured by the mega tonne. That is the equivalent of 1 million tons of TNT. So a 50 mega tonne bomb is the equivalent of 50,000,000 tonnes of TNT exploding. The actual size of the bomb can be anything from a giant rocket to the size of a suitcase

Who discoverd the atomic bomb?

The atomic bomb is an artefact, and so an invention. Maybe you meant to ask who invented the atomic bomb ?