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From the river that separates it from Argentina.

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Q: How did Uruguay get its name?
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What is the official name of Uruguay?

The country of Uruguay's official name is República Oriental del Uruguay (Oriental Republic of Uruguay)

What is the name of a volcanoes in Uruguay?

There are NO volcanoes in Uruguay.

What is the name of the king queen or president of Uruguay?

Uruguay has a president (is not a kingdom) and his name is José Mujica.

Why is Uruguay named Uruguay?

Uruguay (the country) is named like that because of the name of the river that separates it from Argentina. Uruguay's (the country) full name is "República Oriental del Uruguay" which means "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", because of its location in respect of the same-called river.The Uruguay River name comes from the Spanish settlers' interpretation of the word the locals used to designate it. The original name, Urugua'ý, in Guaraní, means "river of the painted birds".

Name the capital of Argentina and Uruguay?

Uruguay - Montevideo Argentina - Buenos Aires

What city in Uruguay shares its name with a luxury car?

MercedesFun fact: The full name of Uruguay is Republica Oriental del Uruguay, which means Oriental Republic of Uruguay when translated. The name of the country has been derived from a Guarani word, which when translated means "river of painted birds".

Official name for Uruguay?

English : Eastern Republic of Uruguay Spanish : República Oriental del Uruguay

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What is name of capital of Uruguay?


Why they called the country Uruguay?

Because of the river of that name that is between Uruguay and Argentina. But that is the River Plate, or Rio de la Plata... is there even a river called 'the Uruguay', or Rio Uruguay?

Who was Uruguay's first president?

Fructuoso Rivera from the Colorado Party (this political party still exists in Uruguay and was the third in votes in the last two national elections). The largest avenue in Montevideo (Uruguay's capital) has its name and a department (one of Uruguay "provinces") was named after his last name.

Why was the country Uruguay named Uruguay?

The Oriental Republic of Uruguay is named after its geographic location to the east of the Uruguay River.The word Uruguay, coming from the Guarani language, means "river where the painted birds live".Source: Wikipedia.