


Uruguay is a country in the southeastern part of South America. Its capital is Montevideo and it is the second smallest country in South America with a total land area of 176,000 square kilometers.

418 Questions

What hemispere Is Uruguay in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Uruguay is in the southern hemisphere.

Does Uruguay have snow fall in winter?

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Snowfall in Uruguay is very rare and usually limited to the higher elevations in the northeast region. In general, most parts of Uruguay do not experience snowfall during the winter months.

How close is the equator to Uruguay?

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Uruguay is located south of the equator, approximately 1,100 miles away. The equator itself passes through northern South America, near countries like Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil, but does not directly cross Uruguay. Uruguay is closer to the South Pole than the equator.

Are there grasslands in Uruguay?

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Yes, Uruguay has grasslands known as pampas, which are characterized by flat plains covered with tall grasses. These grasslands are important for agriculture, livestock grazing, and wildlife habitat in Uruguay.

What forms the western border for Uruguay?

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The Uruguay River forms the western border of Uraguay with Argentina.

What season is it now in Montevideo Uruguay?

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Asked by Gabbygoose01

It is currently spring in Montevideo, Uruguay. This season typically ranges from September to November in the Southern Hemisphere.

What is the latitude and longitude of Uruguay?

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Uruguay is located at approximately 32° latitude and 55° longitude in South America.

If you were in Uruguay and looked at your compass which way would the needle be pointing?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends which direction you're facing, it has nothing to do with where on the planet you are.

WRONG ANSWER! Regardless of WHERE you are, or WHICH way you are looking, the compass needle will point to the NORTH. Not to the NORTH POLE mind you, but to the MAGNETIC NORTH, which is a little bit off from the TRUE NORTH and also MOVES a little bit every year. This is called VARIATION and depending on where you are, the TRUE NORTH may be to the right or to the left of where the compass needle points. Your reading will also be a little bit off to one side or the other, depending on which direction the needle is pointing (hey, nobody's perfect), but this is predictable and can be measured when the compass is calibrated (a process called swinging the compass). This is called COMPASS DEVIATION (don't think deviate now...) Another change may happen if you are going from West to East or viceversa AND you are accelerating or deccelerating, in which case the needle will lag. Last but not least, if you have any kind of magnetic interference near the compass, like a screwdriver with a magnetic tip, oh well then... the needle may be pointing God knows where.
north because that's what way compasses point.

How many same-sex marriages have been recorded in the Uruguayan department of Rivera?

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Although same-sex marriage was legalized in Uruguay in 2013, the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, which publishes official government statistics on marriages and divorces in Uruguay, has not yet published any marriage data pertaining to 2013. See related link below.

What percent is black and white in urugary?

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Approximately 88% of Uruguay's population identifies as white, while the remaining 8-10% identify as black or of African descent.

What was the birth rate of Uruguay in 2009?

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Asked by IntellectualAshv

The birth rate in Uruguay in 2009 was approximately 14.9 births per 1,000 people.

What is the crime rate in Uruguay?

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Uruguay has a relatively low crime rate compared to other countries in the region. Overall crime levels have been declining in recent years, with the most common types of crimes being related to theft and petty crimes. It is always recommended to exercise caution and common sense when traveling to any destination.

What hemisphere is Uruguay in?

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Asked by Wiki User

western hemisphere and southern hemisphere

What is the national food of Uruguay?

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Milanesa (cow meat), Arroz con leche (desert with rice and milk), Flan (desert), Asado (cow meat), Chivito (cow meat with bread, lettuce, tomato, mayonese, ketchup and maybe more). Alfajor (snack with chocolate and dulce de leche).

Which islands are off the coast of Uruguay?

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Asked by Wiki User

no i can not answer this


How are Uruguay and paruguay different?

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They're two completely different countries in South America. The capital of Uruguay is Montevideo, the capital of Paruguay is Asunción.

Is Uruguay a democracy?

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It CAN be called a democratic country.

When is it summer in Uruguay?

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Asked by Wiki User

January is the best time. If you want to visit its beautiful beaches I suggest you going in summer, of course, that's from the end of December to the end of March. January is when most people visits its beaches in the south east of the country.

If you want to visit historical places like Colonia and Montevideo you can go anytime. To visit Montevideo is better not to go during summer as there is very few people and most guides are in the east.

Is safe to drink water in Uruguay?

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Uruguay is one of the safest countries in Latin America. Also, living outside its capital (Montevideo) is safer.

What do people like to do for leisure activities in Uruguay?

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Uruguayans like to have a good time and go to the beach.

They also enjoy carnivals, and like to rent cabanas and relax there. ("What do people do for fun in Uruguay?")

Other than that, they enjoy playing sports. It is a very important part of everyday life in Uruguay.

What is Uruguay traditional instruments?

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The acoustic guitar.

What does a home look like in Uruguay?

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In a regular apartment you could have a living and dinning-room, a closed kitchen, one, two or more bedrooms and a bathroom. Very similar to a US apartment but the kitchen that usually has a door, it's closed not integrated into the living room. However, some newer apartments are different on this and to save space are copying the American standard.

What kind of technology does Uruguay use?

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Most people has a personal laptop, you may found some that have a tablet PC as well and many have smartphones from Samsung, LG or Apple. Also you can check the bus schedules online and order food online to many restaurants.

When do kids start school in Uruguay?

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School is mandatory for every Uruguayan children, they start elementary school at the age of 6 and leaves (to start high-school) at 11/12. Elementary school takes 6 years in Uruguay (high-school takes the same)