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Q: How did families prepare for a nuclear attack?
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How did families prepare for a possible nuclear attack in the 1950s?

Many people built fallout shelters at their homes, and took classes to learn about radiation.

How did some Canadian families prepare themselves for a nuclear attack in world war 2?

This was no big deal at the time. Canadians were more interested in ending WW2 and getting back to normal.

What famous families are nuclear families?

The Simpsons !

What was nuclear deterrence or mutual destruction?

nuclear deterrence - the idea that if you attack me with nuclear weapons then I will attack you back with nuclear weaponsmutual assured destruction - the idea that if you attack me with nuclear weapons then I will totally destroy you with nuclear weapons and if I attack you with nuclear weapons then you will totally destroy me with nuclear weapons - thus any nuclear attack by either party will result in the certain destruction of both parties

Which country has the most nuclear families?

Since China has the greatest number of people, it inevitably has the most nuclear families.

What are the different types of families in Mauritian society?

There are joint families , nuclear families and singlle families in mauritius.

In preparation for a nuclear attack many families built?

Fallout shelters, many of which would be totally inadequate to protect and sustain their occupants for the required time they might have had to remain there.

Are Russian families nuclear or extended?


Why is the nuclear family is the best?

Nuclear families are considered to be better in various ways. They are smaller and easy to manage and they shape one's personality directly as opposed to extended families.

Why is the attack of Hiroshima important today?

Hiroshima held the first nuclear attack bringing the nuclear age.

What are the statistics for nuclear families?

really good.

Does Italy have extended or nuclear families?

they are mostly extended families depending on how large the family is.