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he obviously did not abide to it. he stocked up alcohol in the White House and enjoyed his time with his friends...obviously hes violating the law.

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Q: How did harding feel about prohibition?
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What was the Legislation passed during Harding?

prohibition act

Legislation passed during Harding's administration was the what?

prohibition act

President who had liquor in white house despite prohibition?

President Herbert Hoover visited the Belgian Embassy to drink alcohol during prohibition because it was legally Not U.S. soil and prohibition was not in effect there.

Which president served alcohol to his friends and family and was breaking the law because Prohibition made it illegal?

Warren Gamaliel Harding

Who was the president in the prohibition era?

The prohibition Era was from 1920 - 1933 Four presidents served within those 13 years. And they are: Woodrow Wilson Warren Harding Calvin Coolidge Herbert C. Hoover

What happened as a result of the 1924 election?

In 1924 Coolidge, who had replaced Harding,was elected to a term of his own. He more or less continued the Harding administration- isolationist foreign policy and miniimal government interference with business. Continuaton of prohibition.

What impact did President Harding have on lives during the 1920s and 1930s?

Harding was pretty much in tune with the times. If he had not been there, someone else with about the same views would have been President. The theme was isolationism in foreign policy and minimal regulation of business. Prohibition was in effect, but Harding did not cause it although he did not try to repeal it.

Did Warren G. Harding drink and play cards in the White House?

Many people in power ignored Prohibition, and President Harding was no exception. It is absolutely true that during his time in office, he often played poker with his buddies, and it is also true that he even gambled away the White House china as a result of losing at poker. Mr. Harding also was notorious for drinking while prohibition was in effect; when his friends came to the White House, they were served various kinds of alcoholic beverages.

What kind of president were Americans looking for in the election of 1920?

Harding's campaign which was against US involvement in European affairs and for Prohibition worked, so I would guess that a man with Harding's points of view was what people were looking for. (Harding turned out to be a disappointment, but his successor, Coolidge, who had essentially the same views, won easily in 1924.)

Why did people like Harding?

Harding won the Republican nomination. People were tired of the war and Wilson and his campaign to keep the US involved in Europe through the League of Nations. Harding promised a return to the better times before the War. !920 was the first election in which all the women could vote. Harding's good looks may have been a factor -- also his support of prohibition.

What two groups did Harding feel should cooperate for Americas to develop?

Government and business

What two groups did Harding feel should cooperate to America to develop?

Government and business