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they pooed on somebodys face

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Q: How did the Phoenician people spread the use of their alphabet?
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How did the use of the Phoenician alphabet spread?

Their trading ships took it with them and the local peoples took it up.

Who were the first people to use the Hebrew Alphabet?

The Hebrews were the first to adapt the Phoenician alphabet for the Hebrew language.

Which early civilization spread the use of a simple alphabet as it traded with other peoples?

Some say it was the Sumerians...

How many letters were there in the Phoenician alphabet?

The Phoenician alphabet is the oldest verified consonantal alphabet, dating to approximately 1200 BCE. The alphabet was used by the ancient civilization of Phoenicia and through their traveling and colonization came to widespread use. The Phoenician alphabet consisted of 22 letters, many of which form the basis of the greek alphabet and therefore the Latin and English alphabets currently in use.

Why was the Phoenician alphabet easier to use than the previous alphabet?

There were no previous alphabets. Prior to the Phoenician alphabet, writing systems involved thousands of pictures to represesent words.

What Phoenician achievements did the Greeks adopt?

The Greeks copied and adapted the Phoenician alphabet for their own use.

What was the big adventage of the Phoenician alphabet when compared to cuneiform?

The Phoenician alphabet was simpler and more user-friendly compared to cuneiform, which had a large number of intricate characters. The Phoenician alphabet also represented sounds rather than concepts, making it easier for people to learn and use for everyday communication.

How did the Israelites use the Phoenician alphabet?

They modified it, as did the Greeks and Romans.

What was the most important contributinn of the Phoenician civilization?

The alphabet we use today was based on the Phoenician alphabet system, passed to us via the Greek and Roman alphabets.

How was the greek alphabet invented?

Early Greek merchants adapted the Phoenician alphabet for their own use.

What kind of alphabet do Greeks use?

The Greek alphabet, an evolution of the Phoenician. An evolution of the Greek alphabet was the Latin.

Do Phoenician use hieroglyphics?

No, they invented an alphabet, from which our alphabets of today have descended.