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UPDATED 3 Dec 2010: Without the aircraft carrier (AC), the United States would probably not have entered the war when and how it did. The AC allowed the Japanese Navy to successfully attack Pearl Harbor, a feat believed impossible at that time. Before Pearl Harbor, many naval tacticians did not believe that ACs and aircraft could play a major role in naval battles. After Pearl Harbor, they began to think about it, but most still resisted this idea, preferring the old tactics of huge battleships pulling broadside and blasting away until one side retired or sank. The Battle of the Coral Sea was the first naval battle conducted where the opposing fleets never saw each other. They fought via aircraft launched from carriers. This tactic proved so effective that the US depended on it to protect and save Midway and scored the ultimate win by destroying the bulk of the Japanese carriers in the same battle.

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Without the aircraft carrier participation in the Pacific campaign in particular the sea war would have been wholly different affair.It was with aircraft for the carriers that the US took control of both the Pacific sea and air.There were five major carrier battles in the Pacific alone in which the opposing forces (naval) never laid eyes on one another.You might like to read this web site for further insight into the carriers role.

they did play an important part in the pacific arena. the Pearl Harbor attack was unsuccessful because non of the American a.c. was hit. the battle of midway was fatal to Japan because they lost all 4 heavy a.c. the flag battle ship of the Japanese wasn't hit and didn't fire one shut, but it made no difference. its time was over already.

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8y ago
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8y ago

It was the quantity of large carriers the U.S. built and the large # of planes they were able to carry which really changed the nature of the war in the pacific. At the beginning of the war it was considered dangerous to move fleets, including those with carriers, into areas with a moderately strong enemy land based air. By 1944 the U.S. had a fleet of carriers that could launch approximately 1000 fighters alone. This was enough to give them free run of most of the Pacific. These same fleets were able to provide close air support to amphibious invasions and put a strangle hold on Japanese merchant ships.

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16y ago

The US Navy was the only reason the war was won in the Pacific. None of our allies were cable of matching the naval strength of the IJN. Without the defeat of the IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) the US would have had to sue for peace with Japan. But as they were an ally of Germany, who had also declared war on the US, the terms could not have been very reasonable, or even acceptable. Japan could not have invaded or conquered the US, but they could have squeezed her economically to the point of collapse. It's hard to imagine what the US could have done in that situation. My guess is that we would have bided our time until the Atomic bomb was ready and then attack, but it would have taken far more than just two bombs to defeat Japan then. resulting in a much longer, and deadly conflict. if that can be imagined. I also believe that the war in Europe would also have been lost had not the navy been able to get enough ships, with enough supplies, to Great Britain, and to Russia as well. Without these indispensable items of war, niether country would have been able to withstand the fascist onslought. It was the Navy that improvised, adapted, and overcame the U-boat with the convoy system, new radar,sonar and the 'jeep' carrier. Technological advances that Germany could not match.chibear

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15y ago

The battleship ruled the seas from the dawn of man until December 10, 1941. Battleships could send the largest shells the furthest distance and were the heaviest armored warships afloat. A battleship was "Gun and Armor." Remove the armor, and you have a large gunned cruiser. Remove the guns, and you have an armored ship. Keep them both (Armor and Guns) and one has a BATTLESHIP. Aircraft Carriers launch airplanes. Airplanes can send the largest shells (bombs/torpedos) the furthest distance (hundreds of miles), WITH MORE ACCURACY! Whereas a Battleship had to fire several salvoes to sink a target, an airplane with it's pilot/aircrew can simulate a "smart weapon" by directing their payload into the target. In short, an aircraft carrier is cheaper to build (less steel for all of the armor), can be built quicker, and launches aircraft that can sink ANY SHIP further, quicker, and with less manpower & steel (less men required & less shells fired). On 10 December 1941, the British BATTLESHIP HMS Prince of Wales and her escort the Battlecruiser HMS Repulse were both manuevering and fighting back on the high seas against Japanese "Aircraft". The airplanes won. Both British Men O' War were sent to the bottom of the South China Sea. On 07 December 1941, the argument was; that the US Battleships at Pearl Harbor had NOT been able to defend themselves, as they were not at sea and able to manuever and fight back. The battleship had it's opportunity to prove it's value against the airplane on 10 Dec 41. The argument was settled. Aircraft Carriers now rule the seas. Note*-even though the Japanese Aircraft that sunk the British warships were land based Army planes; the issue was AIR POWER, irregardless of whether they were carrier launched or land based.

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14y ago

The Pacific theater required air power because there were small islands in the Pacific that had been invaded by Japan. In order to take the islands planes were used to drop bombs and to fight the Japaneese airforce. Then, the troops landed and took each island one by one. If you would like to see the war in the Pacific watch the series Victory at Sea. It documents the Pacific war.

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12y ago

they had sexual inter corse

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