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The communist party is inherently exclusive, Marx's idea of communism was inclusive: only one class with all members participating equally in all parts of society.

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Q: How did the communist party not truly create Marx's vision of communism?
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Why is Karl Marxs famous?

He co-authored the Communist Manifesto, along with Frederick Engels. It's the basic Communist doctrine.

What is the central idea in marxs communist manifesto?

The central idea in Karl Marx's "The Communist Manifesto" is that all of human history is driven by a class struggle between the poor and the rich, that is, the weak and the powerful, in society. In connection with this central idea, Marx's highly influential text also claims that, eventually, capitalism will be converted to socialism, which will in turn transform into communism.

What is a central idea in marxs communist manifesto?

a society without any social classes is best for all < nova net answer

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Second Amendment of US Constitution - Right of the people to keep and bear arms. (Unfortunately, Stalin and Mao were in disagreement with Marx on this, and we see what happened.)

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The target audience of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels was primarily the working class, known as the proletariat. The authors aimed to inspire and unite the working class to rise against the bourgeoisie and fight for social and economic equality.

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What is the Connection between the Industrial Revolution and Karl Marxs Communist Manifesto?

During the industrial revolution, factory workers, owners and merchants created a class system. Believing that the class system was unfair, Karl Marx wrote his manifesto detailing the uprising of the proletariate (or lower, working class, mostly from industrial factories) therefore destroying the bourgeoise (upper middle class) and the class system altogether. Also, the main purpose of all members of a communist society is to work industrially for the good of all of the community- this explains why communism is meant to work best in an industrial society.

What were 3 criticisms of Karl marxs theory of Communism?

1. It failed to explain how money gets that way - which Henry Miller later explained in his classic essay, "Money And How It Gets That Way." 2. It did not take into account the fact that the majority of people are greedy, illiterate slack-jawed ridge runners with the moral instincts of rutting bandicoots, and that consequently Communism was bound to fail because there would always be Communist bosses (Commissars) who would skim the cream off everything and treat the workers like yellow dogs - treat them in fact worse than the Czar did. 3. There were no jokes or illustrations in it, and no dirty parts.

How many children does Karl Marxs have?

Karl Marx has 7 children

Does Karl Marxs have kids?

Yes, Karl Marx has 7 kids.

What is Karl Marxs's birthday?

Karl Marx was born on November 12, 1897.

What did Karl Marxs study?

Marx studied law in the University of Bonn and the University of Berlin.