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By taking them to the Underground Railroad to make them run away

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Q: How did the family structure of enslaved African-Americans help them survive life under slavery?
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How was family important to enslaved africans?

The Family was important to enslaved Africans because they helped them survive brutality of slavery. they gave them hope and encouragement.

What helped enslaved African Americans endure and survive slavery?

they formed close ties with each other

How did the family structure of enslaved African Americans help them survive life under slavery?

They had extended families to take care of them since they were separated from their real ones. They also held on to all there traditions.

What was one thing enslaved africans did to survive life under slavery?

One thing enslaved Africans did to survive life under slavery was to build strong communities and support networks among themselves. This allowed them to provide mutual assistance, share resources, and maintain cultural traditions despite the harsh conditions they faced.

Which answer best explains how folklore was important for enslaved families?

I had a school test on this and the correct answer was: It helped enslaved parents teach their children how to survive.

In copper sun when does Amari live?

In the book "Copper Sun" by Sharon Draper, Amari lives in her village in what is now modern-day Ghana. After being captured and enslaved, she is taken to America and faces numerous challenges as she tries to survive and escape slavery.

What is the structure of human?

The function of the human structure is to survive by having children.

What is the function of human structure?

The function of the human structure is to survive by having children.

How many slaves survive slavery?

No one survives slavery, unless they escape or are freed. When you are a slave, you are a slave for life.

How did slavery influence African American culture?

Slavery influenced African American culture by impacting language, music, cuisine, and traditions. Enslaved people had to create new forms of expression to communicate and survive, leading to the development of unique cultural practices that blended African and American influences. These cultural elements are still present in African American communities today.

How did enslaved Africans did to survive life under slavery?

Enslaved Africans used various strategies to survive life under slavery, including forming communities, preserving cultural traditions, practicing their faith, and resisting their enslavement through acts of rebellion and escape. Many also found ways to maintain their dignity and sense of self-worth through their interactions with each other and by finding moments of personal autonomy within the constraints of slavery.

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