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Protestants believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Father. The second person of the Holy Trinity. God in the flesh.

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Q: How do Protestants understand Christian Revelation of God in the person of Jesus Christ?
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You think that protestantism should not be classified as Christian because if they belief some different things than Christians do they should come up with their total own religion?

Protestants are Christian. They believe in Christ the same as Catholics do. Protestants may have some different beliefs but they believe that Jesus is the saviour of the world and that he died and rose from the dead. Christians are people who believe in Christ, therefore Protestants are Christian.

What is in revelations?

John introduces Revelation as a letter to the seven Christian churches of Asia Minor. He states that it is a revelation given to him by Jesus Christ through an angel.

Christian feast day which celebrates the revelation of God in human form in the person of Jesus Christ?

the baptism of the lord

What is modern understand of priesthood of Christ?

Read the Book of Hebrews in the Christian Bible

Why do Protestants call themselves christans and not Protestants?

The word 'Christian' means 'follower of Christ', while 'Protestant' refers to any denomination which separated itself from the Roman Catholic Church. While some members of Protestant denominations may well refer to themselves as Protestants, by and large the association with Jesus Christ is considered more important than the disassociation with the Roman Catholic Church - as such, 'Christian' is the primary term used.

What might be the reasons for the absence of a crucified Christ in Early Christian art?

The cross by itself signifies that Jesus is not on the cross but has risen from the grave. Christ on the cross signifies his sacrifice. Today, Catholicism has Christ on the cross on crucifixes while protestants tend to not have Him on the cross.

What type of book is revelation history law letters etc?

Answer:Revelation is a prophecy written as a parable that those who are Christ's will understand and know what to look for and when to look for His return.Prophecy is "history written in advance"... so, Revelation can be viewed as "history."

What do Protestants and Catholics both agree on?

That Christ is the Messiah.

What is unique about the Christian belief about revelation?

The unique thing about Christian Revelation is that the whole world is in Sin, that we are infected by sin, the only way to cur this is that G_Ds own son Jesus Christ, die for our sin that we may be cured, and be made whole. The truth? That we have been given the revelation before time, we know what is to come. We do not have to die before we find out a "Spiritual reality"

What is needed to be a Christian?

You need to surrender your life to Christ! Understand what He did for you! Give up your ways and follow His! Read the Bible! (That doesn't make you saved but it can help you understand!)

What are the priamary sources of information about Jesus Christ?

The book of Revelation would be the best source, according to the title of the book: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him" - Revelation 1:1

Which one is better cristian or Catholic?

Christian is better in my opinion because you have less religious laws . Everything in the Catolic Church has a meaning.And then there are christians they have less religious laws and more freedom.It is just my opinion.. i love youRoman Catholic answer: Catholic IS Christian. The word Christian is used in the present day west by some to distinguish people who believe in Christ but are not Catholics from the Catholics, but this is a misuse of an ancient term. For fifteen centuries the only "Christians" in the world were "Catholics". It is only in the past couple centuries, and only in the western world which was settled by Protestants, that the term has come to be applied by Protestants to Protestants. But be assured that there have been Catholic Christians since the time of Christ. Which one is better would be a very decisive answer. The Church has always held that Protestants have rejected part of Christ's message, and thus cut themselves off from avenues of grace that Christ has established in His Church. Which would obviously mean that being a Catholic Christian was the fullness of believing in God. A protestant who has been taught all his life that the Church is wrong would believe that it was better to be a Christian without involving the "Catholic" part.