

How do West Africans regard white people?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do West Africans regard white people?
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Most West Africans live in Nigeria.

Were all West Africans slaves?

No, many people in West Africa were forced into slavery, but many others were not.

Where do most west Africans live?

Most West Africans live in Nigeria.

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West Africans received salt from the Sahara.

Were the slaves of west Africa Jews?

No, the slaves of West Africa were not primarily Jews. The majority of slaves transported from West Africa during the transatlantic slave trade were native Africans of various ethnic groups. While there were enslaved Africans who practiced Judaism, the overall population of slaves from West Africa consisted of people from diverse cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds.

What does animistic belief reveal about traditional West Africans?

that some people are idiots

What does animistic belief system reveal about traditional west africans?

The animistic belief system of traditional West Africans reveals their close connection to nature, their belief in spirits inhabiting natural elements, and their holistic view of the world where everything is interconnected and has spiritual significance. This belief system influences their customs, rituals, and relationships with the environment and community.

What color are Africans?

For example Africans in the south are really dark. In the east they are tannish brown. In the west they are fairly dark. In the north they are a little tan or white. In the central they are a mix with all of the above. So africans are many different colors.

How did animism reflect what was important to early West African peoples?

Animism reflect west Africans dependence on the natural world

Do the West Africans consider themselves Africans?

of course! Generally sub-Saharan Africans consider themselves Africans....

How were west africans educated?

When ????

What was more precious than gold to the west Africans?

Salt was more important than gold to the West Africans.