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Allergic reactions can also cause the throat to swell shut. Acute allergic reactions are called anaphylactic reactions and may be fatal. Strangulation puts external pressure on the trachea causing another form of choking.

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If choking is due to an allergic reaction to medication or insect bites, the person's earlobes and face will swell, giving an external sign that internal swelling is also occurring

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If choking is due to allergic reaction or infection, people should summon emergency help or go immediately to an emergency room.

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What is the treatment for choking?

If choking is due to allergic reaction or infection, people should summon emergency help or go immediately to an emergency room.

What if cat eats potato?

Just check they dont have an allergic reaction, otherwise, the only problem is choking.

How do you know your allergic to something you ate?

if you start choking, find a rash or by having your hands and face inflate

What can Cairn terriers be allergic to?

Everything other dogs are allergic to. Here are some examples: Most nuts (peanuts are ok but they are hard to chew So basically they are a choking hazard) chocolate. Look it up on Google.

How can you stop someone from choking during the treatment of asthma?

Avoid contact with the soft pallet when administering aerosols. If choking persists, consider a non-aerosol method of treating asthma for this subject.

How do you find out what you have had an allergic reaction to?

There are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies.

Can you die from Penicillin?

Yes, if you are allergic to Pennicillin, you can die without treatment.

Is dog allergy treatment generally successful?

If you can pinpoint what your dog is allergic to, and find the appropriate treatment, whether it be steriods, anithistamines, or shampoos, then, yes, the treatment can be successful.

What is the difference in choking treatment between an adult and a child?

There is not a difference in choking treatment between an adult and a child; 5 back blows and 5 upward abdominal thrusts. Back blows and thrusts would be less force for a child and you may have to adjust your height by going down on 1 or 2 knees.

What is the prognosis for choking?

people are treated successfully for choking with no permanent effects. However, if treatment is unsuccessful, the person dies from lack of oxygen. In cases where the airway is restored after the critical period passes, there may be permanent brain damage

Which treatment of allergic responses involves gradually developing immunity to offending allergens?


If a person is allergic to penicillium would they be allergic to penicillin?

Yes penicillin is made from a form of penicillium