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Yes it did, their relationship became closer than when they were living in Kabul. Amir can talk to his father and Baba gives Amir more attention. In America , Amir is also now not jealous.

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1mo ago

In "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, Baba and Amir escape Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion via a smuggling route with the help of their loyal friend Rahim Khan. They travel through Pakistan and eventually seek asylum in the United States as refugees.

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11y ago

They escape from the Taliban and end up going to America so Amir

can go to school and fulfill his dream of being a writer.

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Q: How do baba and Amir escape Afghanistan?
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What type of refugees are Baba and Amir?

Baba and Amir are Afghan refugees who flee to the United States to escape the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

What weakness of amir does baba have to apologize for in chapter 10?

Nausea, Amir kept getting sick on the truck when fleeing Afghanistan

What has amir sacrificed for Baba in The Kite Runner?

Amir sacrifices his own dignity and truthfulness in order to keep a secret hidden from Baba. He also sacrifices his own happiness and relationship with Hassan in order to gain Baba's love and approval.

Why are amir and his father fleeing Afghanistan?

Amir and his father Baba are fleeing Afghanistan due to the dangerous political situation in the country following the Soviet invasion and subsequent rise of the Taliban. They are seeking asylum in the United States in search of safety and a better life.

What does baba then do that shocks amir?

Baba shocks Amir by letting Hassan and Ali stay at the house, as Amir had put the wristwatch and Afghani bills under Hassan's mattress so that when Baba did find out about Hassan's stealing (a trait that Baba once told Amir he would never forgive in a person), Baba would want to push them out. Instead of Baba kicking them out, he forgave Hassan for "stealing" (he only admits stealing from Amir to protect him), and begs them to stay. Hassan and Ali leave the next morning and Baba weeps when they leave.

What does Baba get Amir as a graduation present?

Baba gifts Amir with a red 1976 Mustang as a graduation present. Amir is thrilled by this thoughtful gift and it symbolizes Baba's love and pride in his son's accomplishments.

Why did amir and baba fly kites?

The Soviets have invaded, and they do not like those who are rich and stand above others. Their Communist regime is geared towards making everybody the same, more or less. As Baba and Amir are highly privileged (they have the prettiest house in Kabul, I think it is said, and of course Baba has fancy cars and such American-like things) they are a target. Amir and Baba need to escape, before something bad happens to them.

What did Amir receive from Baba for his birthday?

Amir received a notebook and a brand-new leather-bound copy of "Shahnamah" from Baba for his birthday.

In The Kite Runner What is Baba's Name and Baba's father name?

In "The Kite Runner," Baba's full name is Ali. His father's name is Sanaubar.

How do Amir and Baba travel to Pakistan?

In a truck.

What news did rahim khan give amir?

Rahim Khan tells Amir that Hassan is his half-brother and that they share the same father, Baba. He also informs Amir about the terrible events that occurred to Hassan and his wife, and asks him to come back to Afghanistan to help rescue Hassan's son, Sohrab.

Why does Amir tell Baba he thinks he has cancer?

Amir tells Baba he thinks he has cancer as an attempt to explain his recent behaviors and to seek forgiveness for keeping secrets about Hassan's assault from Baba. Amir believes that by sharing this news, Baba might understand the guilt and burden he has been carrying.