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Birds use convection by using convection currents the heat will rise as a draft and then birds can ride the draft to reach higher altitudes.

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Birds use convection currents to fly because of the warm air that rises. When the bird fly over the draft, the bird can ride it to higher altitudes.

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Q: How do birds use convection currents to fly?
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this is no use

True or flase birds use wings and feathers to fly so all birds can fly?

To say that birds use wings and feathers to fly, so all birds can fly, would be false. Not all birds can fly. An ostrich is an example of a bird that cannot fly.

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Saving energy for they can use the air currents to fly instead of flapping their wings. Birds usually do this while migrating far distances.

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How do birds use the wind?

Convection current move fluids upwards and downwards (like boiling soup) and distribute heat energy. An upward convection current in the atmosphere is called a "Thermal" (which usually have a small cumulus cloud on top) and some species of birds use these to gain height, circling round in them and getting taken up with the rising hot air without having to flap. When they have gained altitude they can then come out of the thermal and glide to the next while hunting or migrating. Using the rising air in the thermals means that they save energy themselves (by not having to flap) and this help them survive.

How does a robin use its wings to fly?

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