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They get their names from the way that they look.

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Q: How do black holes get their name?
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Related questions

What was the name of the person who discovered black holes?

Karl Schwarzschild discovered black holes.

How did black holes get its name?

black hole got it's name because when look at a black hole, you only see black. also if you drop an item in the black hole the item is gone because there is a hole in there. so that's how black hole get's its name

What scientists have their name to researching of black holes?

Steven Hawking is researching black holes right now.

How did blackholes get their name?

black holes have such great gravity that nothing, not even light can escape them. That is why they were named "black holes".

Name the places where holes were discovered?

Holes, which include black holes and ozone holes were discovered in the space and atmosphere respectively.The black hole was discovered in the space and ozone holes were discovered above the Antarctica.

Were did black holes get there name?

The term "Black hole" first appeared in print in an article by Ann Ewing in "Black Holes in Space" published in 1964.

Name five galaxies believed to have black holes?

Pick anyone and there will be black hole in it.

What is the name of the stars that makes black holes?

red giants.

What is a good name for a project on black holes?

The Dark Side

Name two findings that have emerged from experiments done in space?

black holes, and black nymph

What were black holes before they turned into black holes?

stellar black holes were stars (these are large)primordial black holes were pieces of the big bang (these are microscopic)

How did black holes in outer space get their name?

Since nothing, not even light, can escape black holes, they are invisible (so to speak). You can only see a black hole when it is sucking up light, since the object with light looks like something is pulling it away.Actually, there isn't much imagination in this. Black holes are named as such because they are, basically, holes in the universe which emit no light.