

How do cells take in energy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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by means of the mitochondrion, adenosine triphosphate is converted into energy

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Q: How do cells take in energy?
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The Mitochondria.

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The Mitochondria.

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because other wise the plants wont get there energy and then the plant cells will have to find more oxygen for the cells to make glucose to survive

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I think plant cells have chloroplasts which take in light energy and converts it into carbohydrates by using photosynthesis

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Cells store energy in bonds.

Why are chloroplast found in plant cells and not animal cells?

plant cells have chloroplast because it needs to store sunlight and to make food whereas human cells take energy from the food we eat

What process is used to make energy in?

In the cells of all living things, the power plant of the living organisms cells are mitochondria. The mitochondria take sugar (glucose) and oxygen and turns it into energy. I hope this helped!