

How do comets come into your solar system?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Good question, and the answer is "We're not sure yet." It is certain that comets cannot last forever; after some number of close approaches to the Sun, all of the ice will be melted and all of the volatiles boiled away, and the comet will disintegrate. So where do new comets come from?

We suspect that as the large objects in the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud slowly orbit the Sun, their gravity can disturb smaller objects and push them into orbits that bring them closer to the Sun. In fact, there is a conjecture (not as firm as a hypothesis, and a LONG way from a theory) that there may be a large-ish planet or other massive object that passes through the Oort Cloud every 30 million years or so, kicking a flurry of proto-comets into the inner solar system like pellets from a shotgun. The proposed planetoid, named "Nemesis", might explain the seeming periodicity of mass extinctions on Earth.

There is absolutely no EVIDENCE for this, but it is an interesting concept.

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do comets come from a black hole?

No. Comets are made from the leftover material when a solar system forms.

Do comets come from inner realms of the solar system?

No. They form in the outer solar system where it is cold enough.

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Yes. The solar system is everything that orbits the sun.

How do you get comets?

they come from the left over matter from when that solar system was first made

Are comets older than our solar system?

No. Most comets are about the same age as the solar system as they formed with it.

Which comets have visited our solar system?

All the comets that have been seen in history were in the solar system and most still are.

Are comets close to the inner or outer part of the solar system?

I scientifically believe that comets are closer to the outer part of the solar system.

Who let comets into the solar system?

Nobody let them in. They formed with the solar system.

Why is there a ring of ice and dust around your solar system?

that is called the Oort cloud and that's where comets come from.

Are there currently any visible comets in your solar system?

There are no visible comets at this time.

What do comets orbit in our solar system?

The sun.