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By putting a coat on and wrapping up in blankets :):):):):):)

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Q: How do royal penguins stay warm?
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Related questions

Why do penguins stay close to each other to stay warm in winter?

Penguins stay close in winter, because they want to stay warm. The question tells the answer.

Why penguins huddle together to keep warm?

To stay warm........

Why do the penguins keep moving?

to stay warm. =D

How do royal penguins stay with there parents for?

65 days after birth.

How do penguins stay warm in the winter?

They huddle together for warmth.

How do dolphins and penguins stay warm?

Dolphins have blubber layers that keep their internal temperatures warm. Penguins have different layers of feathers, the first layer is a soft down layer to stay warm, and the outerlayer is water resistant.

Why do penguins huddle together to keep warm?

Basically they huddle together so they stay warm

How do macaroni penguins stay warm?

They use air conditioning and blankets.

How long do penguins stay in there huddle to keep warm?

a long time

Why penguins stay very close to on another?

To keep warm and not freeze.

How does huddling help penguins to stay warm?

by huddling they sharing their body heat

Why do young penguins huddle together in large groups?

To stay warm when left behind.