

How do Atlantic puffins breathe?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Sea lions breathe air through their nostrils when they are on land. However, unlike most land living mammals, they are 'voluntary breathers'. They do not breathe unconsciously as we do.

When they dive into the water, their nostrils automatically close, and they hold their breath. They dramatically reduce their heart rate when they dive to help conserve oxygen and stay under water as long as possible.

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13y ago

The air flows into the beak and through the respiratory system, just like in a human. (Only without the beak!)

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Puffins live (should live) for at least 15 years.

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Puffins weigh anywhere from 15 pounds to 18.5 pounds.(500 GRAMS)

How do puffins breath?

through nosetrillS

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Puffins live in the north Atlantic coast, so they live on the shorelines of Russia, Canada, Greenland, and Norway.

Are the Atlantic Puffins from grassland?

No. Puffins are marine birds. However the nest (in spring) in holes that they burrow into the grassy sward at the tops of marine cliffs.

How old are Atlantic puffins when they mate?

I dont know, find another websight!!!!!!