

How do secular humanism view money?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It is important to note that a person that holds a secular humanists viewpoint does not retain any specific opinion regarding wealth, however, it is sometimes incorrectly argued that humanists may be less inclined to share their wealth.

Generally, secular humanists see money in much the same way as a person of faith. It would be fair to say that secular humanists are no more attracted to an extrinsic lifestyle when compared with other schools of thought. There is no evidence, for example, that a secular humanist would be less likely to use his or her wealth to support the work of charities; In fact there are many secular organisations which do just that.

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Answer If secularism is traveling without a destination Better Answer: Secular humanism is about people. The destination for secular humanist is better lives for ourselves and others. Secular humanism believes we can do that without believing in a god. Secular humanism believes that humans come first. Animals and the environment are important and or important for our survival, but humans come first. General speaking I think most secular humanist also believe there is a Truth, and it is a materialistic truth (non-spiritual). Most secular humanist believe in democracy and human rights and human freedom.

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