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sound waves vibrate particles within a certain medium, and we can consider water as a medium just like air.

the way sound waves work is by transmitting energy from the source (you maybe) through a medium, which is water in this case making the particles in water vibrate back and forth to carry the energy (sound waves) in all directions, so a receiver somewhere below the water can hear a noise.

i hope this answered your question :)

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Q: How do sound waves travel through water?
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Light waves and electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space. Water waves can only travel through matter. Hope this helped!

How are electromagnetic or light waves different from water and sound waves?

Light waves and electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space. Water waves can only travel through matter. Hope this helped!

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Yes, sound waves can travel through clouds.

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What is the name of sound waves that move through water?

They are called sound waves. Their name does not change just because they travel in water.

Why don't we hear the sound explode on the sun?

Sound waves require something to travel through like air or water. The waves travel through this substance and into your ear, vibrating the eardrum. In the vacuum of space, there simply isn't enough of anything for the sound waves to travel through.

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Sound waves travel through matter, whether solid, liquid, or gas. They do not travel through vacuum.

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Sound waves cannot travel through vaccum.

How does sound travel over water?

Sound waves travel through water in the same manner they do through air. The waves in which produced by the source will take form as the particles of water vibrate in a rhythmic pattern which yield to the specific sounds.

Do sound waves travel faster through wood or water?

Yes i guess sound waves travel faster through wood than in water. Because molecules are tightly packed in wood(solid) than in water(liquid).