

How do turtles mate?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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9y ago

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For aquatic turtles, the males will circle the female and in certain species (sliders, cooters, maps and painted turtles), the males will put their front foreclaws by the side of their head and wave it quickly in front of the female's face. If the female accepts, the male mounts her from the behind. Male turtles' penis is kept in the tail and it is inserted in the female's cloaca. If they are successful, they are locked together (he grabs her by the shell)for a few minutes only. They may mate a few times. In land turtles (tortoises), males will often ram the female with its shell (head tucked in). Sometimes males will bite the females on the neck (both aquatic and land turtles). Some male tortoise actually grunt! Once again, they mount from behind using the tail/penis to deliver the semen to the cloaca.

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12y ago

It actually depends on the kind of turtle. But for water turtles, they mate by getting to know each other first. Then the male will perform a mating dance to attract the female. They will get on land to mate. The male turtle will mount the female from the back with the tails touching. Additional info: Female can hold onto sperm for quite some time.

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