

How do you keep rubber plants alive?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Rubber plants are easy care plants, especially good for those that don't have a green thumb. They are tropical from South America and are accustomed to being on a forest floor, therefore they do not like bright direct sunlight and do best near a window where they can get indirect light. They can also do well in lower light conditions.

Rubber plants should be watered moderately to moisten soil once or twice a week, never over watered, but are also fine if left to dry a little in between. Yellowing leaves are most likely a sign of overwatering or being root bound and requiring a larger pot.

Rubber plants do not like a lot of fussing, just "love 'em and leave 'em", they don't like to be moved around too much or dramatic temperature changes. However from time to time they do like to have the dust swiped off their broad green leaves with a moist cloth. If lower leaves fall off from time to time, put a little nick in the leaf point and they will likely grow back.

Overtime these plants can grow quite tall upwards of 10 feet. To keep them upright while you enjoy their beauty you may wish to wrap a string around multiple stems to prevent them from bending over or spreading too wide. If you wish to keep the plant at a certain height, simply prune off the tip shoot with a sharp blade.

Rubber plants can add an elegant, lush vibrant feel to any home for years to come.

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13y ago

You don't need to do anything because they were never alive in the first place, They are rubber not real plants.

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