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You can keep garden snails as pets by keeping them in a container, adding dirt, and keeping that dirt moist. You also need to give them something that they can hide under, like a rock, or a piece of wood. You can also buy a plastic log at pet stores, they are made for Spiders and lizards. They work great! Then you need to give your snails some food. They like vegetables, but I find that celery can attract ants. They love lettuce and carrots. After you catch your snails, you should probably clean their cage once a month, otherwise it is really gross!

You can keep snails in a tin, tank or container, make sure it is at least 6 inches at height, and put 2 inches of compost in, make sure you have a twig in there, a plant pot on its side, for it to hide in, a water spray gun to keep the tank moist, and a few ornaments, when you clean it out, put the snail in another container, or put it on the ground to have fun, but make sure it doesn't go away when your not looking! Its easy to clean out, just tip all the compost out, and put it in the bin, then place all the ornaments on the ground, put more compost in, and if you need to, wash the ornaments, then put it all in! make sure the snail has a shallow bowl of water in its tank etc, for it to bathe in and drink. Good luck with your new snail!

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14y ago
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13y ago

I am currently taking care of garden snails right now, and I should admit that they are very cute. =) Anyway, I suggest you somehow obtain a container with a removable lid, so that you can open the lid easily but so that the snails cannot escape. Garden snails have a strange habit of climbing up walls and onto ceilings, in my opinion. Then, make sure you feed them nice, fresh lettuce. I have exactly ten snails now (if I include the baby one) and I usually put a huge leaf of lettuce and leave it there for 2 days, because they don't eat it all in one day. Line the bottom with about an inch of dirt. It's probably fine to just dig some dirt from your front or backyard. Be sure to add a dish full of water, but make sure it is NOT deep because you don't want your garden snails to drown. The water ist here to keep the container wetish, and I don't think they drink from it though. I'm sure they get plenty of moisture from the lettuce. Anyway, be sure to have a spraybottle in handy and spray them with water often.

If you find that your garden snails are hiding in their shells too much, I usually wake them up (maybe by pouring water on them), because they won't come out if I don't do that and won't eat since they're in their shells. I think this is because they are waiting for rain, so sometimes I pour water on them, but the force of your spray bottle isn't enough to wake them up.

I hope I have been some help! =)

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13y ago

They are quite easy to grow, really. They breed very fast and can eat the dirt in the tank, which keeps it quite clean. Feed them fish food (pellets work best for mine). You can also do what I do and put a cuttlefish bone (found in some pet shops). The snails eat it and it makes their shells stronger. I use tap water in my tank and so far have never had to clean it out. Feed them every two days (Or every day, like me). I was given six snails by my uncle a few months ago and so far, have got over 70 visible snails (new born snails are pale yellow and less then about half a mm long, so very hard to spot). The eggs start off as blobs of a clear jelly like substance. Little white spots in the jelly gradually become more, and more visible, before turning pale yellow and hatching. You should also put plants and other orniments in the container you are keeping them in. They breed incredibly fast and so you will probably become overrun in snails.

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15y ago

just catch it and feed it veg and then it will will grow and kepp the contaier moist with a sqiurter or some thing simmorler just catch it and feed it veg and then it will will grow and kepp the contaier moist with a sqiurter or some thing simmorler

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13y ago

First, I would layer the ground with a nice, thick layer of dirt. Adding a few rocks here and there to add a natural effect is nice too. If you want to, it would be cool to add like a live plant (once i added a live dandelion to MY garden snail habitat. They climbed all over it!) but make sure the plant gets plenty of water and enough sunlight, but not too much so the snails dry up. Make sure there is like a really shallow "pond" like dish full of water. Remember to spray the garden snails with water often so they don't dry up! Oh, don't forget to add some fresh vegetables (like lettuce, maybe) so they have food! =)

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14y ago

If it is a garden snail, sprinkle salt on it.

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12y ago

Very slowly

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No, a sea snail can't grow its shell back.

How does a water snail live?

There are snails who live in freshwater and snails that live in saltwater. Snails grow their shells as they grow to house them and provide protection. For added protection they will sometimes bury themselves or slip into small cracks and crevices to hide.

Can snails grow back their shells?

No, snails cannot grow back their shells; the shell wall is attached to the organs and blood supply of the snail. If the shell were to be removed, the snails would die soon after.


Sea snails eat moss and some plants that grow in water. that is a true answer that is not a lie it has been looked up soo yeah

Can snails live in water?

water snails but not regular snails

Do snails have to move into larger shells as they grow?

No, a snails's shell grows with the snail. They grow their own shell/

When do snails grow there shells?

snails are born with tiny bits of shells as the snails grow the shell grows with it twirling round to form the shell. hope this helps :]

How do snails get their shells?

They grow them.

How big are the Houston snails?

Some snails in Houston can grow to the size of a baseball.

How fast can Armored snails grow?

they can grow at 0.9 mph

Are apple snails cold water or warm water snails?

Apple snails are comfortable in water temperatures of 65-82 degrees Fahrenheit

Why do snails find other shells if they can make them?

Snails grow a shell that stays with them their entire life. They don't find larger ones as they grow.