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Basically you just need to install a jizz filter to catch the stray swimmers. It is also highly recommended that you do not drink the spa water or bathe naked as unwanted pregnancies have been known to occur.

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with a Lot of soap by the way get a sponge

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Q: How do you clean sperm out of hot tub?
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How long do hot tub covers last?

Hot tub covers can have long lives if they are cared for properly. Hot tub covers are mostly affected by dirt and sunlight so keep it clean and perhaps put a tarp over it if the hot tub is in direct sunlight.

Hot tub and sperm?

If the water is only warm, quite a while because sperm prefer an alkaline[soap] environment.

What hot tub supplies do I need to perform general cleaning of my hot tub?

The level of "scum" in a hot tub depends on the level of maintenance and the chemicals in the water. Hard water elements and foreign materials build up and create "scum." What you use to clean the hot tub will depend on the nature of the built-up "scum." Take a water sample to the pool store for analysis to determine exactly what you need to clean the hot tub. Use the recommended product with an appropriate scrubber so as not to damage the interior surface of the hot tub. Make sure the chemicals are thoroughly rinsed away before refilling the hot tub. Regular maintenance and keeping the filter clean will help tremendously.

Can frequent trips to the hot tub lower your sperm count?

Only if you stay in there for too long.

Can you get pregnant with a tampon in and in a hot tub... Where there is sperm near the vagina?

It is highly unlikely that would occur.

Will vinegar clean a hot tub or spa?

The answer is found on other sites that come from googling vinegar clean hot tub .... basically they say once a year put a gallon of white vinegar in the water and let it circulate.

How do you get rid of little green frogs in your hot tub?

Scoop them out with a net making sure there are no remaining eggs or tadpoles. Drain and clean your hot tub. This will have to be done as the little green frogs probably decafetated in your hot tub and contaminated your water. Refill with water and test that you have a proper pH balance. And then keep your hot tub covered when it is not in use.

Where can I get step-by-step instructions for cleaning a hot tub? is a helpful community filled with pool and spa owners. There are topics which outline instructions on the best way to clean a hot tub.

How to Maintain Your Hot Tub?

Everybody always enjoys lounging around in their luxurious and relaxing hot tub, but nobody ever wants to clean or maintain it. What people fail to realize is that the upkeep of the hot tub is vitally important if you want to continue to use it in the future. While most people know they have to continue to keep up with their pool or it will be completely un-swimmable, they are quick to forget about the chores that are needed in their hot tub. If you need to clean your pool regularly, and you need to clean your bathtub regularly, then why is your hot tub any different? The quick answer is that it is not. Now that you know it is important to maintain a clean hot tub, you are already well on your way to keeping it clean and ready to use. The first thing that you want to do is make sure the wood surrounding your hot tub (assuming you have wood) is maintained. Wood around water is very easily irritable and can become dry and depreciate. You want to make sure that you re-stain the wood 2-4 times per year, making sure that you never seal it. Next, you are going to want to make sure that you are cleaning your filters. Do you know that you are supposed to clean your filters once every 1-3 weeks? While this is on the conservative side and will depend on use, you do want to make sure you are cleaning them at least once per month and changing them once per year. Clean your tub’s surface area. Just like a bathtub, the hot tub can become grimy and scummy. Good upkeep of the surface will make the tub more appealing and a gross surface will make you less likely to ever want to go into your hot tub. Finally, clean your plumbing. Of all the cleaning that gets avoided in the hot tub, the plumbing takes the cake. You need to flush out the plumbing every 4-8 months based on use. Even if everything looks great on the surface, you still need to clean your plumbing, or you are not going to be relaxing in a clean hot tub. So there you are. It may not be the most fun activity in the world, but once your hot tub is clean as a whistle you can easily enjoy it even more than you did before.

How to Make Your Hot Tub Sparkling Clean?

Hot tubs are a wonderful way to sit back and relax. Many homeowners enjoy their hot tub whether it be indoors or out. One part about hot tubs that many owners do not enjoy is having to clean it. Luckily, making your hot tub sparkling clean does not have to be difficult at all. The first step in making any hot tub look like new is maintaining the proper chemical levels. Water may not be complex but the many chemicals that reside in your hot tub can cause the water to react quite quickly. Regulating your chemicals ensures that your hot tub will be that much easier to clean. Sampling your water is easily done with a sample kit from any pool store. Most kits will also give you some chemicals and tell you which chemicals to add when the tests show certain colors. Unlike pools you will need to drain your hot tub before applying any solution. Now that your hot tub has been drained scrub vigorously at the problem area. Make sure to use a brush that will not damage the fragile fiber glass of the hot tub itself. Now that you have removed any possible grime and physical dirt from your hot tub wash out the chemicals. It is now time to clean the filter for your hot tub. Most filters are easily cleaned. If your hot tub filter is more difficult to clean consult your owners manual in order to find what the company suggests on how to clean the filter. Make certain that all pumps and electricity is disconnected before cleaning the filter. Failure to do so may result in severe injury or death! Reset the pump and connect the electricity to ensure it functions. Now you can fill the hot tub with a fresh supply of water. Exteriors of hot tubs are typically made from wood. In order to clean the wood simply use a solution of soap and water. Scrub vigorously to remove any dirt or dust. Finally if the original wax is starting to look faded it may be a good idea to apply both new sealant and wax to your hot tub.

Can a girl get pregnant from grinding while skinny dipping in a hot tub if there is no penetration?

It is HIGHLY unlikely, but I suppose by some odd chance it is possible. Most likely the chlorine in the hot tub would kill the sperm. But if he ejaculated inside your vagina while the two of you were in the hot tub then yes you can get pregnant.

How much maintenance does a spa hot tub require?

It takes a minimum amount of effort to clean and maintain your hot tub. Go to for more information, or check with the manufacturer for more information.