

How do you get a distributed load?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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By adding more supports. Best illustrated by examples.

* A tire swing with only one rope looping around a tree branch is an example. Tying a second rope to the tree branch distributes the point load to 2 points (2 loops).

* a loaded wheelbarrow with one front wheel -- if used repeatedly across a path in the lawn -- will cause an ugly bare strip of mud at the end of the day. One can put broad wood planks end-to-end on the path. When the wheel goes over the plank, the load is redistributed from a single point contact to the whole plank, ideally. Instead of say 100 lbs per square inch, the load becomes 10 lbs per square inch (no plank or lawn is perfectly flat), saving the lawn for another day.

* a similar example would be walking on mud. One can put end-to-end planks on the trail or spread a thick layer of pebbles on the mud. Instead of one's shoes sinking deep into mud, walking on planks or rocks is much more comfortable and easy and clean too.

* snow skis -- the load is distributed from the ski boots to ten times the surface area so one can ski on snow rather than getting stuck in snow.

* heavy furniture with four legs will make deep troughs in the carpet with time. Place a piece of wood at the bottom of each leg reduces the pressure on the carpet so the depressions can be recovered.

* a 4-wheel truck can carry more load if it is turned into a 6-wheeler. Eighteen wheelers can be bigger and hold heavier load than a six-wheeler.

The same concept can be applied to supporting engineering structures that are heavy and may be unstable.

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You place the load evenly along the beam (each section of the beam bears up the same portion of the load).

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