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Since the statistical data is already available, on the number of people who die every day (approximately 155,000) there would not seem to be any need to perform an experiment to answer that question. There are, however, many questions relating to the death rate, which could be worthy of experimentation. You can take any aspect of people's lives, involving their diet, income, profession, recreation, or anything else, and try to determine what affect it has on longevity. For example, if you were able to do so (and such experiments are not necessarily easy) you might want to organize one group of people who would include one avocado a day in their diet, and another group who would refrain from eating avocados, and then compare mortality rates over time. This might or might not yield any interesting experimental result, but then, that's why people do experiments, to find out what kind of result they get. My guess is, people should be eating more avocados.

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