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Xe would be your central atom, O is attached to it by a double bond and your two Fs are attached be a single bond.

There would be 3 Lone Pair (LP) electrons around F, 2 around O, and 2 around Xe. Why ? There is no valance to this molecule so you want to satisfy the formal charge to be 0. Formal charge = (#electrons in ground state) - [ (free electrons) - 1/2 (bonding electrons)].

Formal charge for F, would want 0 so

0 = 7 - [? + 1/2 (2) ] = 7 - (? +1) = 7 - ? - 1

? = 6, therefore 3 lone pairs around fluorines.

Formal charge for O, would want 0 so

0 = 6 - [? + 1/2 (4) ]...

? = 4, therefore 2 LP around oxygen

Formal charge for Xe, again we want it to be 0 so,

0 = 8 - [? + 1/2 (8)].....

? = 4, therefore 2 LP around Xe.

Kind of a weird set up (since Xe does not follow the octect rule), but it works out =)

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9y ago

Xe does not follow the octet rule because it has access to the 4d sublevel. Xe is the central atom, single bonded to 4 F atoms. The Xe also has 2 lone pairs.

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