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you give him/her a bottle then swaddle them all wrapped up in a blanket and hope they go to sleep

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Q: How do you get a screaming baby to be quiet?
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Related questions

How can you get your baby to stay quiet?

give the baby food and when it is not quiet put the Bobbe in its moth and the baby will be quiet.

How lound is a baby screaming?

the loudness of a baby can go to a high or to a low scream.

If you were screaming at someone in anger would you you be described as sullen?

No, being sullen typically refers to being silent, moody, or withdrawn in a negative way. If you are screaming at someone in anger, you are displaying a different type of emotion that is more outward and intense.

What is purple and screaming?

A skinned baby in a bag of salt

Is baby cradle on a baby bad or good?

It is good, in most cases it stop the baby from crying and screaming.

How do you know baby is hungry?

He will crying & screaming the whole time

How do you get the sims 1 baby be quiet?

You have to nurture and look after the baby. Feed it, play with the baby and look after the baby

Where does the baby sleep?

in a quiet room in a crib

What are the benefits of shaking a baby?

They eventually get quiet

How do you get a baby bird to be quiet?

You should feed it.

What speech part is quiet?

The word "quiet" can be a verb or an adjective.- Verb : to quiet is to calm or silence, e.g. She managed to quiet the crying baby.- Adjective : meaning not noisy, e.g. They were sitting by the quiet pond.

A sentence with the word wrested in it?

The terrorist wrested the screaming baby from his crying mother's arms.