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My mom put them in a bucket of water upside down and swished them around a bit. Then leave them upside down for a while. She also put ant deterant around the base early in the season, the flowers have a sap that the ants love but the flowers do not need ants to open. She uses the ant deterant now and has beautiful peonies with out ants now.

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Q: How do you get ants off of cut peonies?
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How do you rid peonies of ants so you can bring them inside?

The best way to rid the peonies of ants is to repot them. Make sure that you have not transferred the ants into the new pot, however.

What another word for symbiosis?

"partnership" or "mutually beneficial" ie. Ants and peonies have a symbiosis or symbiotic relationship. (Peonies will not bloom unless they have ants on them.)

Why do peonies need ants in order to bloom?

Peonies tend to attract ants to the flower buds. This is due to the nectar that forms on the outside of the flower buds.

What kind of ants does an peony flower attract?

Black ants are attracted to nectar on peonies.

Do you cut the tops off of your peonies in the fall?

In the fall, you can trim your peonies down to about three inches above the ground, according to the NC State Web site, below. Cut off the flowering stems after they have flowered and give a top dressing af fertilizer and then ignore,

What happens to your Peonies if they are cut in July?

The peonies should come back but they may not be as strong as they could be. The plant needs the leaves to gather energy for the new blooms in spring.

Why do you hate ants?

I do not hate ants. Ants are very industrious. Ants are probably busier than the bees. Ants are delicious, but I have cut back on the stinging ones.

When can you plant peonies?

The best time for planting peonies is early August.

How do you atttract dragonflies?

Cut a lime in half and sprinkle it with pepper. Something about the tartness will attract them, the pepper is to ward off ants. Good Luck!

Should you cut down a tree if there are ants in it?

I don't believe that you should cut down the tree, because ants are a vital part of our Eco system. But it depends on the type of ants like if their big red ants and you kids who climb the tree often you should consider it.

How many petals on a peony?

There are many types of peonies and they have different numbers of petals. Single peonies have between 5 to 12 petals. Other peonies have multiple rows of petals.

What funktion would be most harmed if you cut off an ants antenna?

Ants have antennae, used either to communicate with other ants of the colony and sense the environment or as a food tool.The ant (if it survived) would likely be unable to properly communicate with other ants and they would soon overpower and kill it as they would no longer trust this stranger in their colony.