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To produce seeds, the African violet must be pollinated, either by itself (rarely happens), by insects (happens sometimes) or by human intervention.

African violets have both male and female attributes so they can be "self-crossed" or pollinated with pollen of any other African violet.

When pollination works, a seed pod will appear at the base of the flower. You have to wait until the pod grows, and dries (it turns brown). The whole process can take up to 9-10 months.

When the seed pod is mature, you only have to gently open it with a sharp knife and get the seeds. One seed pod usually produce at least 500 seeds (seeds are almost as small as dust).

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Q: How do you get seeds out of an African violet?
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Is an African violet an angiosperm?

Yes, an African violet [Saintpaulia spp] is an angiosperm. It's a flowering plant that produces seeds. Along with gymnosperms, angiosperms represent the division of flowering plants within the plant kingdom. But angiosperms differ from gymnosperms by having such characteristics as flowering and fruiting with seeds.

What do African violets look like?

The root system of an African violet Houseplant are fine, tan colored. Wild violets that grow outside have a little different root system, are a little thicker and hardier for outside weather conditions.

How does the African violet disperse its seeds?

Well, African violets in the wild disperse their seeds with the help from birds and certain insects. African violets as a rule do not self polinate because the seed pods are very hard. Hybridizers make a cut or break into the seed some how to get to the powder.

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What is the significance of an African violet?

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What is an African violet classified as?

Usually African violets are classified as flowering indoor houseplants.

What is the African violets nickname?

African violet is the common name the proper name is Saintpaulia.

Does African violet reproduce by root cutting?

African violets are propogated by leaf cuttings.

What is the African violet's name?

An African violet is a one crowned plant that produces beautiful flowers at around 6 months. An array of colors from yellow, pink,blue-purple, red, rose and much more. There are also trailing types of African violets.