

How do you get the poison on shark tooth island?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do you get the poison on shark tooth island?
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How do you get the people to the island in shark tooth?

you give a poison coconut to the shark after you got all the ingredients.

What do you need to make the poison medicine on shark tooth island?

A coconut bone and secret ingredient

In poptropica what is shark tooth island?

Shark tooth island is when you have to to save people from a giant shark

What is the ingredients of the poison in the shark tooth island in poptropica?

Carbonated coconut milk, creature bone, and the key ingredient

What do you do after you make the poison on shark tooth island?

You go to the very right of the island and there is something called " feed the shark". Click it and click anywhere near the ocean to the left than the shark goes to sleep and you can cross.

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There are no mermaids in Shark Tooth island, you do go into the ocean

When did shark tooth island come out on Poptropica?

Shark Tooth Island was the second island on Poptropica and premiered in September, 2007.

Where do you get the ingrideants for the poison for the shark on shark tooth island?

You have to go inside the temple and get to the other side. after each obstical you find an ingredient. you also need the coconut milk.

Where do you find the mask on shark tooth island?

Mask? What mask? There is no mask that you have to find in Shark Tooth Island, Poptropica.

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Where is the island of sharks?

shark tooth island

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