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Level 70 is an easy goal in World of Warcraft if you devote the time and energy doing the right activities. There are three generally recommended ways to get to level 70.

  1. Complete Quests -- Quests will give you experience, reputation, and loot.
  2. Explore Dungeons -- Dungeons have "elite" monsters and usually require a group of players to complete.
  3. "Grind" monsters -- Just kill monsters your level or above. It takes a while, but you'll get experience for every monster you kill.

Since Wrath of the Lich King, the level cap is now 80. People generally level from 1-60 in Azeroth (the first two continents, or Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms), 60-70 in Outland (accessed from any main city or a portal in the Outlands), and 70-80 in Northrend.


With one of the recent patches, you can now level in battlegrounds. It will be slower, but if you prefer PVP related content, this might be a good way to go.

TO ADD ON: I suggest doing battlegrounds from by each lvl at this rate:

10-19 all can join, but I really suggest 16+ Cause you gain some good abilites, druids and shamans gain a faster ability which is useful.

20-29: 26+ First aid comes handy, and if you are lvl 29 stay by lower lvls to assist them.

30-39: again, 36+ By now you should really have a mount. You probably dont need a mount if your a defender, but either way you'll need one some time.

40-49: Alot happens at 40, however I suggest at least 44 so you got some practice with your new abilities under your belt. Mounts are very useful, also for advanced wins 46+

50-59 (not AV) I'd say 58+ or 59. Anyone 50-54 is pretty much dead except for warriors, druids, and rogues. DK come at 55, and they got massive attacks. Lvl 55's can kill lower lvl mages with out any struggle in one blow (My mage is lvl 52 with over 2K hp, and even with frost talents, mana shield, frost ward, and ice barrier on, I still got owned in one shot. PLUS 500 overkill)

AV: 51-60 I dont know so much... I dont like it, that much cause they allow lvl 60's. But I would form a 5 player group if you are lvl 51-56 (even DK just because the class is good doesn't mean they are perfect, I can kill ones with no experience as one) and have lvl 60's in it. They have the strongest spell in the class (most of them, for hunters they got different pets, well it varies)

60-69: same as before, 66+

AV: 61-70: Probably a similar act.

Dont get me started with 70+ please, I dont have WOLK and I dont plan on guessing anymore, PLUS It scares me to think of the horde killing me alot more then they already have.


Once you hit 68, head to Northrend. The starting zones are Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord. Each faction has two cities, one in each zone. it does not really matter what city you choose, they both are pretty easy. Once you start the Northrend zones, you will level like crazy, even though you cannot fly in Northrend till level 77 when you have to purchase "Cold weather flying" for 1000g (dont worry, saving your money from leveling will get it easily).


TIP: Just do not cheat that will lead to account penalty =) Good luck!!!

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