

How do you know if a fish is a fish?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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If the creature/animal has scales and a fin then it is a fish. Whales have smooth skin so it's a mammal. Dolphins have smooth skin so it's a mammal

try asking him. i hear most fish are quite approachable.

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13y ago
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if you want to know if your fish has cancer, check if a certain place on your fish is puffy, or it looks like there is something under the skin (contact a fish store if so)

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The same way you know you are who and what you are. They have evolved to do it just as all other living creatures do it. Why should fish be different?

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I really don't know, but I think it is a leopard fish.

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Only a fish would know the answer to that and unfortunately they are unable to tell us.

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