

How do you like our schools campus?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do you like our schools campus?
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When was Kamehameha Schools Hawaii Campus created?

Kamehameha Schools Hawaii Campus was created in 1996.

Can you get a job with a online degree?

Online degrees are similar to the campus based degrees. It has the similar criterion and basics as of the Campus degree programs. Accredited online schools are equally credible as the accredited Campus schools. the same Online degrees and better Quality of online education are offered at online schools as compared to the campus schools. Thus they have a better chances to be preferred over the campus schools by the employers.

How many schools have open campus?

There are many high schools that are open campus, but other high schools usually don't have open campus because of something that went wrong such as people dying by getting hit by a car.

WHY should schools have open campus?

they can have the choice of what they want

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Do high schools ever allow students to live on campus?

no, no they do not.

What are coed schools?

Coed schools are schools which have both male and female students on campus. Coed schools treat male and female students equally.

What is the percentage of schools that allow electronics?

Believe it or not, 50% of schools allow electronics on campus, but they have diffrent views.

Does Columbia University have a nice campus with grass like the other Ivy leagu schools?

yes my cousin goes there and it is a very nice school

Should middle schools have open campus lunches?

it depends on the school

Where can I search for mechanic training schools?

Check out the Diesel Mechanic Directory of Schools. The have a list of featured schools, online schools, and local campus schools. There are links to mechanic training schools at the Guide to Online Schools.

Is it hard to get a job with an accredited online degree?

Online degree programs are similar as of the campus degree programs. All the basic requirements for studying are fulfilled equally by the online schools as of the campus schools. the online schools in US offer the top quality online education and offer a complete range of online degrees which are similar to the degrees offered by the campus schools. the online schools are similarly accredeted by the acreditation authorities as are the campus schools hence there is no major difference in the two. the quality of online education at online schools is considered to be better because of continuous monitoring and observation. to get complete details about Online Schools there exist multiple sites which are offering details of online schools, online degrees and the quality of online education offered in those degree programs