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Loosen the headset a bit.

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Q: How do you make a scooter deck spin faster?
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Which would make your deck spin faster on your scooter a threaded headset or a threadless headset?

There's no doubt that a threadless headset will spin faster and last a lot longer then a threaded headset.

What is the difference from a regular scooter and a stunt scooter?

stunt scooter are better quality and the deck can spin 360 degrees

How do I whip on my scooter?

This trick will make you spin the deck of your scooter 360 degrees mid-air. Pretty cool, right? This one might require a bit more practice, but hey, practice makes perfect! To perform this trick, you will have to jump as high as you can. While you’re in mid-air, kick the deck of your scooter with the back of your foot. This way, the deck will spin 360 degrees. When the deck comes back underneath you, hop on to it while bending your knees to reduce the impact and ride along gently. If you’re a beginner, you can start by practicing with low speed and small hops called the “bunny hop.” Here’s how you begin; push the deck slightly to let it spin around you, and if you stand on the scooter with your left foot on the front, you will spin the deck clockwise.

How high do you need to jump to land a tailwhip on a scooter?

Its not all about height its more about bringing you feet up high so that the deck can spin freely but to awnser your question it depends on how fast you can spin the deck . I jump about 20 cm high to single tailwhip

How do you do a tail whip on a kick scooter?

Take your toes and curl them down around the side of the deck. Bunny hop as high as you can. When you are about halfway to your maximum height, flick the deck around with your feet and spin your handle bars. Watch your deck and when it gets around, land on it.

Where do headsets go on a scooter?

a head set is between the fork and the head tube to make the bars spin

How do you make wheels spin faster?

by putting a big engine on it and some nitro

What are Rubik's Cubes?

-use cube lube to make your cube spin faster

Can a lemon covered battery make a coil spin faster?

Covering a battery with a lemon will ruin the battery and will not make the appliance to which the battery is connected go faster.

How do youl do a bar spin on a scooter please help?

First, you have to know how to get the scooter in the air. Once you are in the air, simply spin the handle bar around 360 degrees. Once you perfect the trick, it will look awesome!

Which planet spin faster?

mercury spins faster.

What is a headset on the scooter?

a headset is what holds the forks to the headtube and to the bars and makes them spin