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That would be considered incest and is very wrong. the answer is, YOU DON'T!

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Q: How do you make your older sister to like you as a boyfriend?
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How do you make your older sister hug you?

you can try pretending that your boyfriend has just broke up with you and cry and then she will comfort you :)

What to do when your sister doesn't like you?

You should not try to reason with her or talk to her because that will just make her more mad or upset if you make her a present or apologize she will probably forgive you. Of you did not do anything wrong than give her some space. Also if it's a younger sister give her a present if it's an older sister use my other advice :)

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First show your brother all nice things your boyfriend is and if he still doesn't like him tell you brother to talk to your boyfriend so your brother can get to know him. And he should like you boyfriend after he gets to know him

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Try to make her more attractive to guys and give her lessons on what guys like that she may not know already.

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You hide her favorite things.

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She is your boyfriend's sister and you are immature and have no self confidence. His sister is no threat to you and there is no need to be jealous of her. If she meddles in your business with her brother then you need to tell your boyfriend to speak up and deal with the matter at hand.

Is it normal to make out with your sister?

If it is only to practice until you get a boyfriend/girlfriend then yea

How do you make your sister think that her boyfriend cheated on her?

You don't. What kind of sister & friend are you as to where you'd want to make someone think that? If YOU don't like her boyfriend, that's none of your business. She's not dating YOU, she's dating HIM. If you're that cruel & can't leave her relationship alone, sit her down & calmly explain why you don't want her with her boyfriend. Remember that her relationship is not your business or decision though.

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you and sisters boyfriend and family make surprise party (improved awnser) You could make a scrapbook, (which is what i am doing for my sister) With Lots of pictures when she was little to what she is like now and write memories you have had together. Danille x

Why does your nine year old daughter feel uncomfortable hugging her twin sister and older sister?

Because it makes her feel uncomfortable,like it or not she is growing up and hugging does not make her feel grown up

What will you do when your older sister leaves you alone?

Tell her shes weird and make her leave my saying something she won't like and then later tell her it wasn't true.