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Uric acid stones can be the result of a high purine intake which leads to high uric acid in the urine. Uric acid is not very soluble in water so it will come out of solution, so when there is too much uric acid in the urine, stones can form. To help prevent the formation of too much uric acid in the system you have to cut down on purines. Purines are found in particularly high concentrations in foods such as anchovies, sardines, herring, mackerel, scallops, gravy, meat, and meat products. Also organ meats like liver, brains, sweetbreads, and kidney have particularly high purine levels levels. it has been found that high intakes of purines can increase the amount of uric acid in the urine. This can then lead to formation of uric acid stones. Protein substitutes for these high purine foods are:

There is also a particular risk in the consumption alcoholic beverage's, To find out more on this subject you will find useful information if you go to the related link below (Know Your Stones. Protect Your Kidneys)

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Does uric acid cause kidney stones?

Uric acid calculi account for about 5% of kidney stones

Can you have multiple types of kidney stones?

Yes. The causes of different kidney stones do not conflict. For example, calcium stones and uric acid stones are buildups of their respective material. Since nothing occurs when calcium is introduced to uric acid, these two stones can exist simultaneously.

How does uric acid affect acute lymphocytic leukemia?

The uric acid does not effect the leukemia however the treatment of leukemia leads to the production of uric acid which in turn can leas to kidney stones and other problems.

What causes uric acid stones?

When body is unable to eliminate uric acid it will deposit a hardened crystallized form of uric acid (tophi) usually in the joints and skin. this leads to a very painful disorder referred to as as gouty arthritis or gout.

Does uric acid cause sour urine?

High uric acid levels, and uric acid crystals may accumulate in the kidneys and form kidney stones, or in the bladder. However kidney problems are not necessarily caused by high uric acid as high uric acid levels may be the result of renal insufficiency. Yes,it can if crystals are formed as a result of uric acid in the situation where gout becomes a problem can diminish the function of the kidney, the kidney by the way is also the main organ required to filter out uric acid.

What is the cause of kidney stones?

Most kidney stones are composed of uric acid, which is a byproduct of the digestion of protein. Kidneys filter uric acid out of the blood, and if the concentration of uric acid is too high, you can get a precipitation of uric acid into a solid form, since the solubility of uric acid is moderate, but not high. Solid uric acid is then a stone, a solid object inside the kidney, where it causes trouble until it passes out with the urine.

What causes Amorphous sediment in urine?

Amorphous sediment in urine are things like crystal phosphates, uric acid stones or calcium stones that are found in the urine. Certain amorphous sediment found in urine is normal. The cause of amorphous sediment depends on the type of sediment. For instance, uric acid stones can be caused from not drinking enough liquids.

What is a nitrogenous waste for chicken?

uric acid, mammals do it in the form of urea, this process is to ensure that little water is lost

What test is useful in diagnosis of gout?

It is a test for uric acid. High Uric acid in he blood can lead to the formation of uric acid crystals which are responsible for the pain.

Separation of uric acid from urine?

The liver removes uric acid fromthe blood.

Why does seafood raise the uric acid level in blood?

sea foods are high in purines and these turn into uric acid. if the sufferer has a genetic predisposition to producing more uric acid or the system is faulty and is not able to cope with and eliminate it a point of saturation may be reached where it turns into crystals around joints or form stones in the kidneys.

Are kidney problems caused by gout?

They can be. the uric acid crystals that are formed in the blood that cause gout can setle in the kidney and interfere with its opperation, gout can also be responsible for forming stones.