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I think that it is very difficult in most if not all states and court rooms. I do think that mental abuse is far worse than physical, which is recognized. Physical abuse, can heal more quickly. Emotional, sometimes never does. To prove, you willlhave to start a journal or some type of documenattion process. You will have to write down everything that happens to you in that documentation and keep it hidden. Over time, you will hopefully have enough documentation to show a habit, or trend and the courts may look at that. Othewise, keep yourself safe, and If it's your child or a child that you are trying to keep this from happening to, just fill their heads with the right way to be through demonstration, and positivity, and will grow up and be able to leave and make their own choices one day.

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Q: How do you prove mental abuse in a relationship?
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Could Wrongful death involving mental abuse by wife?

If you can PROVE she drove him to suicide , maybe. If she just aggravated him to death, cahances are VERY slim.

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I believe mental abuse is worse. Physical abuse the marks eventually go away. Mental abuse , those scars may never go away depending on how much abuse there was.

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There is no singular reason why some mothers abuse their children. It can be due to complex factors such as a history of abuse, mental health issues, stress, substance abuse, lack of support, or relationship difficulties. It is important for those experiencing abuse to seek help and support.

Is mental abuse grounds for divorce in SC?

No, Mental abuse and irreconcilable differences are not recognized by SC

How do you report abuse in care?

== == * Physical abuse is easier to prove to authorities than mental abuse, but the scars are just as real in mental abuse. If this person is physically abusing you and you have the bruises, broken bones or scars to prove it, call in the police. The police will take the the abuser away in handcuffs, but unfortunately they can't keep abuser in jail that long and a Restraining Order isn't worth the paper it's written on. Whether it's physical or mental abuse The second thing you can do is pack your personal things (don't let him see it) and then phone (from a friends cell or a pay phone) to your local "Abuse Women's Center" or your "Mental Health." They are there to protect you and they will send you to a "safe house" (no one will know where you are unless you tell them) and help you get on your feet. They will help with legal counsel, getting you settled in your own place, help with getting a job and they will expect you to attend good programs that teaches you about abuse and the tools that will help you from going back to your abuser or getting involved in another abusive relationship. == == == ==

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What is psychic violence?

Mental abuse.

Is sleep deprivation a form of abuse?

It can be considered a form of mental and physical abuse.

How long before you charge someone with mental abuse?

You technically can not charge them for mental abuse. You can only get them charged if a direct threat towards you can be proven.