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There are various ways. The most usual way is to slice off the wax capping from the cells, place the frames (the comb is in a wooden frame) into a device not too unlike a spin drier and the frames are spun. The honey is thrown out of the cells by centrifugal force on to the sides of the container and drains down to the bottom. This method has the advantage that the comb is unharmed and can be returned to the bees for re-use.
If you don't have a honey spinner, you could simply crush the comb to release the honey and sieve it to remove the wax, or you could gently melt the wax from the honey using no more heat than absolutely necessary and they will naturally separate. The disadvantage of these methods for a beekeeper is that the comb is destroyed in the process.

Another way is to uncap the cells and suspend the frame, upside down, over a bowl and wait for the honey to drain out. This is a slow process, however. The frame has to be upside down because the bees don't make cells horizontal in the comb as they build it, but slope them upwards from the centre, like a shallow 'V'.

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Q: How do you remove the honey from the honeycomb?
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Do you get edible wax?

Yes you can you can purchase jars of honey that has parts of the honeycomb placed in the jar along with the honey and of course the honeycomb is made from bees wax

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It matters how many combs are in the honeycomb . Hope i helped .

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Honey is not made from honeycomb, it is extracted from honeycomb. Each cell of the comb contains honey and it is extracted by spinning it out using centrifugal force. Afterwards, the empty comb can be re-used in the hive and filled up again by the bees. Honeycomb is more expensive because it is cut from the honeycomb frame and so cannot be re-used.

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What method is used to separate honey from honeycomb?

The most common method is to use an extractor. It is a device that spins at high speed and forces the honey out of the honeycomb. The released honey drains to the bottom of the extractor and is collected in a container.