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It's good to love and be loved translates as es ist gut zu lieben und geliebt zu werden.

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Q: How do you say its good to love and be loved in German?
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Which is better you loved or you love as in a sentence?

if it was in the past just you loved me before but not anymore so you loved but if you still love me so we can say you love me .

How do you say will you love in German?

Will you love in German is wirst Du lieben

How do you say loved one in german?

loved one = geliebter Mensch loved one = Nahestehende(r) loved one = Angehörige(r)

What is the present perfect tense of love?

The present perfect tense of the verb love is have loved or has loved.We would say: I have loved, you have loved, we have loved, they have loved, he has loved, she has loved, and it has loved (although it is hard to think of a sentence using it has loved.)

How do you say but do you love me in German?

But do you love me is aber liebst Du mich? in German.

How do you say 'I am in love' in German?

English: "I am in love" is German: "Ich bin verliebt".

How do you say i loved German class?

ich liebte deutsche Klasse

How do you say 'Love' in German?


How did they write love in German?

Well they do say liebe = love

How do you say I am really in love with you in German?

I am really in love with you is Ich bin wirklich in dich verliebt in German.

How do you say you too in German?

how do you say good nighht to you too in German

How do you say love in German?

(die) Liebe - love (noun) lieben - to love