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  • It's wise to take some time out for yourself after a verbally abusive relationship because you have lost who you are. Give yourself time to get to know yourself and what you are capable of doing. Start going out with friends; have fun; take a vacation with your buddies (can be a long weekend and not too expensive.) Enjoy being single again and don't rush to find another girl for a few months at least. You will know when the right girl comes along. Don't get caught in the same bad habits you may have had before; letting a woman control you! You should always be in control of yourself, but be loving and respectful towards your mate and learn to communicate with her. It takes time, but use that time to get to know who you are.
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Q: How do you start over after a verbally abusive relationship with a women?
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Will a verbal abusive woman continue to abuse in each relationship?

Generally a verbally abusive woman has control issues and she will carry them into most relationships. However, there are a few women that are verbally abusive to one or more men, but may meet a man that she is not verbally abusive to as they are better suited for each other.

What do guys think of women who are verbally abusive and swear all the time?

That's they aren't good for a relationship and certainly not good for a child

Did Alec Baldwin abuse women?

He was verbally abusive to his daughter but there's no valid info about him being physically abusive.

Are there books and videos available for verbally abusive men who want to change?

* The best way for an abused man to move on from a verbally abusive relationship is to seek counseling. Just like women, men may have lost their self respect; feel demeaned and ashamed (they are suppose to be the stronger sex) and he needs to find out why he stayed so long in the abusive relationship. Without proper counseling just like women, men can choose another abusive partner in the future and don't have the tools to tell when rag flags go up that the person they are with is controlling at best and the worst .. verbally or even physically abusive. Men have been brought up to not hit women, so it is very often hard for the man to make sense as to why he put up with the abuse for so long. Men can be victims of abuse too and they should not blame themselves.

Who is more abusive women or Men?

Men, because they are stronger than a women when they are a adult. It would depend on what you mean by abusive, as women can be more abusive verbally, which could result in a man getting physical. Cases where women are physically abusive, don't tend to be reported, as it is embarrassing for a man, also many believe they wouldn't be taken seriously.

Why do women stay in a abusive relationship?

They're afraid of what they're husbands/boyfriends will do to them or their friends/family if they leave.

What is the percentage of women who leave an abusive relationship and never return?

The rate of return is high, considering how few women in the situation manage to leave.

What are the possible reasons a woman would seek out a relationship where she is being controlled and why would she view that as love?

Usually women do this because it is all they know. Many women will pick partners that are abusive because they've had abusive fathers, etc.

Can I get financial help to leave a state to get away from an abusive relationship?

Your best recource is the YWCA and local women's shelters.

If a mother is in an abusive relationship has 2 kids can she leave the state without getting in trouble?

No! She needs to go to women's shelter and to court.

Why are black men so verbally abusive?

A part of the reason is that Black men don't see their words as verbally abusive. Why? The taunts and teasing involved in "capping" or "playing the dozens" involves quick wit and the ability to talk about someone in a stinging way that is still humorous and makes others laugh. Men often play these word games with other men and they all seem fine with it. However, when those words are turned upon women and said with the intent to bring a woman down, put her in her place, or make her feel small and insignificant, its not funny anymore. I believe the larger reason Black men are verbally abusive is their ongoing struggle with self esteem and feelings of powerlessness. Striking out with name calling, put downs, and words which attack the core of Black women's pride in their accomplishments looks education achievements and sexuality give these verbally abusive men a sense of power. What they are doing is putting others down to build themselves up. Such behavior may provide a temporary sense of satisfaction as he watches her face crumble in shame or humiliation, but in reality he is merely demonstrating how poorly he feels about himself. Finally, I think it is important to note that verbally abusive men come in all sizes, shapes and colors and are not limited to Black men. The issue is though that most women tend to date men of their own ethnicity, and therefore Black women (who interact primarily with Black men) are more likely to be verbally, physically or psychologically abused by a Black man moreso than any other race of man.

What are the ill effects of a abusive maternal relationship?

For a man, he would not have the mother to be a good role model on how he should treat women. For the woman, she would not be able to have a mother to guide her in becoming a confident female. The effect of having an abusive maternal relationship could take years to sort through.