

How do you sterilize the soil?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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you put it in the oven and heat it to around 250F for about 30 to 60 minutes, however if your doing it due to a pest infestation then I would highly recommend trashing the infected soil and purchase new potting soil, such as Miracle Grow which has already been sterilized when you buy it. Additionally it will depend on what species of pest your trying to erradicate and what that pest can tolerate. I grew up around the Wholesale Commerical Greenhouse dealing in Cacti and other Succulents (such as the ever popular Aloe Vera) during my formative years from 10 to 16, and we did start off trying to steralize infested soil, but soon we learned it was much easer, and just slightly more costly to replace the dirt with new to rid yourself from a likely never ending battle. I just recently finished a battle with Spidermites, and they can be a real pain to try and get rid of, unless the infected plants are outdoors where the rains help control the Spidermite population, with the aid of the Praying Mantis as well.

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Heat is often used to sterilize soil. For small amounts it can be heated in an oven. For larger opererations there are large steamers that heat the soil and kill off weed seeds as well as micro-organisms. Chemical methods, such as fumigation, are also used in some agricultural practices. Heat is often used to sterilize soil. For small amounts it can be heated in an oven. For larger opererations there are large steamers that heat the soil and kill off weed seeds as well as micro-organisms. Chemical methods, such as fumigation, are also used in some agricultural practices.

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How do you sterilize soil?

one way is to put it in a glass or metal container and put it in your oven on 350 F for 30 minutes and this will sterilize it, another way is with a pressure cooker, and another way is chemicals, oven is the easiest i think

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I think that would permanently ruin the soil, especially if you're going to plant anything in it. Vinegar is just as good at killing bacteria and fungi. What exactly are you trying to kill? Soil should have bacteria, otherwise nothing would completely compost.