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I had a friend who was going through the same situation. she is now 26 and has yet to tell her parents she was sexually abused by her cousin. she has so many problems in her life that all you can do is feel sorry for her. in going to tell you exactly what i told her, no body and i mean nobody has the right to touch in any way without your consent. it doesn't matter how close your family is, or if you think because you speak up it will tear your family apart. no one should get away with such an act as in this one, the act of abuse. the person who did this to you needs help, seriously. someone needs to do something about it, and that person is you. dont wait because you never know who else he can be abusing besides you.

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13y ago

Just come right out and tell them. The best thing to Give your children is trust and honesty. If you tell them now, they will respect you, and it will forever change them. They will be more aware and won't be so naive. P.S. I am very sorry about what you endured as a child.

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11y ago

For Me I Just Called My Mom and Told Her I Was All Alone and Scared You Cant Hide It For Ever Just Sit Them Down or Like Me Call Them But They Have To Know So The Man/Women Who Do You Wrong Get Caught and Put Away

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9y ago

Is your mother a kind of person who is likely to listen to you and take you seriously? In that case, say it directly - maybe start with, "Mom, I've something to say that I'm afraid to say - I hope you can listen to me carefully" and just tell the truth.

Best to mention to your mom to avoid just going to that person and ask directly if this is true. The abuser will certainly say, "No, that's nonsense."

Do not confront the abuser. Nothing is to be gained and it could be dangerous.

If your mother is not supportive and is not likely to take you seriously, maybe talk to somebody else first and ask for their help to talk to mom. Maybe a relative you trust, or a teacher or school psychologist; school and medical professionals are required by law to report it.

The important part is to talk to others and keep talking.

Leave the investigation and confrontation to the police.

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Q: How do you tell your parents you were sexual assaulted?
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