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If you take the dash apart enough to tie the blen door up you may as well just change the accuator which is probly whats wrong. but i would check the temp control knob first to make sure its getting power if it electric or if its getting vaccum. most late models are electric anymore

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Q: How do you tie the blend door with the shoestring?
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This happened to my 95 Windstar-I just replaces the fuse for the air mixture door. On my 1999 Ford Windstar, the blend door itself broke. This repair is more costly and more difficult, perhaps $700 to $1000 to replace. I just tied a shoestring to my blend door. When you insert the blend door actuator if there is no slot for it the door is broken and you are up sh... creak. Hope it is the former. Another option is from a company called HeaterTreater - a method to repair a broken blend door without removing the dash. I haven't tried it, but the ideas behind it seem to make sense - and they have lots of videos showing the processes.

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A common problem is that the blend door actuator or the blend door itself will break. The blend door actuator is just a small motor that opens a vent to allow the warm air to flow, it is cheap and fairly easy to replace with a radio removal tool. A professional could do the repair in less than 15 minutes. See "Related Questions" below for more information on the actuator motor repairs many others have done. However, on my 1999 Ford Windstar, the blend door itself broke. This repair is more costly and more difficult, perhaps $700 to $1000 to replace. I just tied a shoestring to my blend door. When you insert the blend door actuator if there is no slot for it the door is broken and you are up sh... creak. Hope it is the former. Another option is from a company called HeaterTreater - a method to repair a broken blend door without removing the dash. I haven't tried it, but the ideas behind it seem to make sense - and they have lots of videos showing the processes.

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To replace a blend door on a 1999 Voyager, you will begin by checking which side of the vehicle is not receiving heat. Then, remove the glove box door by squeezing the inside of the door toward the center of the door to access the blend door.

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Probibly your blend door motor is stripped out. Remove motor and check door operation manually

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With most heaters in vehicles the blend door mixes hot and cold air together to give you the temperature you want. Thus the name blend door

Where is the blend door in a Ford Explorer?

Remove glove box liner. Blend door is located in the heater/evaporator housing. There are several kits available to repair blend door shafts as well as troubleshoot system.

How do you replace the blend door on a 2002 mercury mountaineer?

If you do a Google search on Ford Explorer blend door there are lots of articles