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I have found the best way to administer meth(ICE) in the rectum is with a half inch 1cc 30 gauge insulin needle. Make sure needle itself has been cut off so there is just a small flat hole. A tenth of a gram is normal to start with(0.1 or 0.2). Pull stopper out of syringe, add crystals, replace stopper, gently push to eliminate access air and space, quickly dip opening of the syringe (the small flat hole) into a little cup of water, slowly pull back on the stopper to pull in water to dissolve the crystals. You only want to let in about an equal amount of water to your meth. Too little will not dissolve it fully and too much will weaken your hit and most likely cause you to have a bowel movement before it has had a chance to penetrate your system.Make sure the crystals have fully dissolved before you proceed to insert in rectum. Has a tendency to pinch or poke while trying to insert syringe. Much easier if inserted with a lubricant. This way of use lasts longer than if smoked and doesn't rot your teeth or kill your lungs. It's safer than shooting it up into your veins or even snorting it. If you can get over its bad and embarrassing rep., you'd never do it any other way. Be safe, take care, be clean, and don't forget to be considerate of those around you (children, animals, non-users).

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Q: How do you use meth in your rectum?
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What does it mean when a meth user is tweaking?

easiest way to put it is if a meth user is tweeking he/she is high on meth. tweeking is the slang for high on meth. its like how when u smoke pot u get "stoned". use meth and you get "tweeked" or "twacked"

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Simple, never use or go near crystal meth.

Are the Effects of Crystal Meth Reversible?

Depends on the amount used and frequency of use. It also depends on the effects of meth. If someone smoked meth and did not take care of their oral hygiene, the damage to their teeth is not reversible. Any brain damage that occurred due to excessive meth use is likely to be repaired, but it is not certain whether this would be completely reverisble or not (it would likely depend on the amount + frequency of use). Weight loss and skin problems will likely gradually improve once meth use is ceased. Resultant psychological issues will likely get better the longer that the person is abstinent from meth use.

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No.A woman who has sufficiently bad judgement to use meth would probably cheat also, but it's not the meth that's making her do so.

Can you get high using meth in rectum?

yeah, sticking a drug up yer butt makes you absorb more of it than any other method of using, other than IV injection

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Illega use of ergogentic substances.

What influences teens to use meth?

Teens may be influenced to use meth due to factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, a desire to escape negative emotions or trauma, a lack of parental supervision, availability of the drug, and seeking a sense of belonging or acceptance within certain social groups. It's important to address these underlying issues and provide education and support to prevent meth use among teens.

Where can 'you' find statistics on meth use in New Zealand?

no were

Do you lose weight when you use meth?

Usually people who use meth will lose weight due to the few symptoms. The lack of appetite and lack of sleep are key symptoms