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Q: How do you use the word ordinance in a sentence about the western settlement?
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How do you use the word ordinance in a sentence?

The city council passed an ordinance banning smoking in public parks.

Use the word ordinance in a sentence?

The city council passed an ordinance requiring all residents to keep their sidewalks clear of snow during the winter months.

Use the word settlement in a sentence?

The girl helped with the settlement of the friends issue.

What is a sentence using the word ordinance?

The city council passed an ordinance that prohibited parking on lawns.(*NOTE : the nearly-identical word "ordnance" is a military term for explosives)

What is a sentence using the word settlement?

They were expecting a large settlement from the lawsuit. The settlement in New England is quaint.

Can you give me a sentence with the word settlement?

The settlement of James Town came about in 1607. The Lawyers worked out a settlement out of court.

A sentence with the word conoly?

what is a sentence for the word conoly. The word means a settlement in a new territory that keeps ties to its homeland

Make a sentence using the word settlement?

a state of stability or permanence.

What is a settlement and how do you use it in a sentence?

A settlement (noun) is an establishment, community, territory, or public building; it's a new place for settlers to call their own. An example of this word in a sentence would be: The Aztecs' island settlement was called Tenochtitlan.

What is an example sentence using the word settlement?

The settlement was located near the river.The court granted him some financial settlement for the damage to his car.The invaders razed the settlement to the ground.

How do you use the word western in a sentence?

My great grandfather lived a very 'western' way of life.

How do you use the word bonanza in a sentence?

The settlement funds came as an unexpected bonanza for the town's finances.