

Does CO2 help plants grow

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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Carbon dioxide is the source of the food that plants make for themselves through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is when plants make food out of gasses (such as Carbon dioxide). When the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is higher, plants become more efficient in pulling the gas out of the air. This allows the plants to process the gas more quickly. Faster conversion of carbon dioxide into sugars and other organic materials translates into faster plant growth. There are many plants that won't benefit from higher carbon dioxide concentrations. These plants have certain tissues in their leaves that concentrate carbon dioxide over time. Since the gas is already concentrated inside the plant, a higher availability of carbon dioxide in the air won't make a difference. (McGill)

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14y ago

Carbon dioxide and water have a life or death effect on plants. Carbon dioxide is needed for the photosynthetic interaction of plants with sunlight. From that interaction are produced necessary, energizing starches and sugars that support such life sustaining activities as growth, fruiting, flowering, and seeding.

Water likewise is needed, but for basic life support. A plant can't take in necessary nutrients other than in solubleform. For example, nitrogen is necessary for plant growth. It may be available in the soil around the plant's roots. But it can't be taken in, and used by, the plant without the presence of water.

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11y ago

Carbon dioxide is required by photosynthesis to produce sugars for the plant; the sugars "fuel" growth and metabolism within the plant. Without carbon dioxide there will be no plant growth.

During the process of photosynthesis and subsequent process of respiration Carbon dioxide is converted to sugars and oxygen released as a by-product.

Increasing the concentration of CO2 that a plant is exposed to (artificially) can increase the yield and growth of the plant, decreasing it has the opposite effect.

No carbon dioxide = no photosynthesis = death of the plant

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It helps a plant grow faster the it normally does.

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12y ago

To create food plants use a chemical reaction in there leaves called Photosynthesis. The reaction for this is CO2+Sunlight=Oxygen

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14y ago

It kills them. Not like they need it for photosynthesis or anything...

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Plants consume Co2 during photosynthesis.

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Q: Does CO2 help plants grow
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