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A cactus plant needs water just like any other plant. They have several methods for conserving the little water they get from the occasional rains.

1. They have roots which spread out near the surface to quickly catch as much water as possible before it drains away or evaporates. Large, column-like cacti also have a long taproot which goes down deep, primarily for support, but also to access groundwater and minerals.

2. They have thick, waterproof exteriors to preserve internal moisture.

3. They have spines, which not only protect the cactus from animals, but also shade part of the plant to reduce the small amount of remaining evaporation.

Cactus are so well adapted to dry conditions they will rot and die if they remain moist too long. They must be dry most of the time, especially their roots. That is why they grow in sandy, well drained soil that dries quickly after a rain.

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Q: How does a cactus live with little water?
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A cactus can store water in its fleshy stem and this enables it to survive periods of drought.

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First off, the yucca is not a cactus. It is more closely related to the lily than a cactus. If you live in a desert climate, once it has become established it should survive with little watering. If your area has received little rainfall you may give it a good watering a couple times per month. Be careful, however, to not over water and water very little in winter or the plant may be killed by root rot.

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How much of the cactus plant is water depends upon the size of the cactus and the amount of water in moving, processing and stored forms. But no matter the cactus' size and regardless of how much or little water that it holds, the cactus devotes over 90% of its inside body parts to handling, circulating and building up supplies of water.

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As a cactus is a form of a plant, it will require sunlight for photosynthesis and water to stop it from drying out and to help the cactus plant grow.

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.....The Banana Plant....

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